My favorite quote about gathering

These words by American writer and poet summarize how a gathering should help us feel…

We were together. I forgot the rest. - Walt Whitman

So often we reduce gathering to a task list, marking off all the prep. We make requirements of ourselves that often lead to less gathering, less togetherness, less connectedness. Allowing imperfect, messy homes, or anxiety around inviting and hosting— these stand in the way of building the connection we so deeply desire and need.


The truth is: preparing to gather is less about what we have, how clean are homes are, or how to be the perfect hostess. Readiness to gather begins within. It is an inward journey, slowing, taking shape and blooming to harvest in time. May we extend a gentle narrative to ourselves if being with others feels…awkward, scary, or overwhelming.

When I find myself lost in the mental spiral of questioning and judging, I hold this reminder:

When the goal is togetherness, the journey becomes priority and the outcome becomes less important.

A hygge gathering is intended to create meaningful moments of connection. When we keep this at the forefront, a perfectly clean home becomes less important. In fact, a little imperfection allows others to feel instantly comfortable; a lived in home is one with character, story, and a sense of belonging.


What is the difference between a hygge dinner and a dinner party?


Hello there